Tuesday, March 29, 2011


This semester has been a season of countdowns. Graduation, weddings, and even just the next time I'm hopping on a plane to Albuquerque have all merited slowly decreasing numbers. It's been fun, amusing, and helpful when it seems like some things will never ever arrive. But still, I'll be happy when the countdowns are past. It'll be the first time in a long time when I won't feel like I'm counting down to something big.

Most of my life has been stepping stones of important dates. Semesters ending, recitals, and, of course, every child's constant countdown to the next birthday and Christmas. When life feels more defined by events than phases, it's easy to let the experience itself pale in comparison to the milestones. But I'm determined to alter my outlook. As I enter this season of work, no school (which I'm already experiencing for the most part) and, more significantly, this season of marriage, I pray earnestly that I live my life in the moment, investing in every day, only counting down in the back of my mind to exciting events, and treating every weekend with my love as something worth a countdown itself :)

Monday, March 28, 2011

My husband to be . . .

And here's a glimpse of how happy he makes me...

Anticipating the beginning . . .

So, there's this guy. His name is Robbie. And he's . . . well . . . every good and wonderful adjective in the book :) My life has been so blessed by him and, in exactly 75 days I get to be his forever!